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Patch's experience has absolutely no relation to the current one under discussion. Neither side has millions to defend or even 10's of thousands. DHC is producing costumes for a fan group that pays a lot more attention to the court of public opinion than they do courts of law. Qutens needed financial help to pay a retainer to a lawyer which was covered in under a day. That should indicate where people stand on that. I don't see any rushing to help Lucky pay for her lawyer. That should also make it pretty obvious there no financial incentive to sue. I'm sure Lucky's lawyer pointed that out. If Lucky sues and wins X amount. Qutens declares bankruptcy. Lucky gets zero, she's out her legal costs, and her rep is still shot.

One final thing; nowhere in the text of that document is 'DHC' mentioned. The closest is 'fursuit making company'. Those testimonials were all focusing on Lucky's actions, not DHC. I don't think it would take much of a lawyer to get a suit brought by DHC LLC dismissed. If Lucky wants to sue, she'll have to do it outside of any corporate liability protection. I note Qutens has been silent about the situation since it came up (likely listening to her lawyer).

Finally, Lucky doesn't get to hold this over Quten's head forever. There are cases of courts basically saying put up or forever shut up when there's an indication an aggrieved party might just be delaying until such time as the one they want to sue has less support in place to defend themselves.


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