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I would note that "prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome" is a disclaimer that many commercials for lawyers have.

That being said your exchange above indicates that you have expertise in defamation lawsuits due to being involved in one defamation case.

After viewing Blondie Fox's video, I think she may have a stronger case than many may give her credit for, this is true. Many may be underestimating how strong Qutens's case is or that she will win this thing. One thing that was suspicious to me is that Qutens didn't provide a copy of the C&D letter outright on her GoFundMe, but instead provided a link to the Google doc she published which caused the C&D.

Instead my first viewing of excerpts of what was in the C&D was in Blondie Fox's video under which they laid out their case as to why they found the document to be defamatory. Is that an assertion that Qutens did not want to share because they were worried about the perspective it would give to them on the internet? This doubling down could be utilized and argued by the plaintiff in the case. If Nintendo sent a C&D about a fan game an the person receiving it said "Hey I got a C&D, here's a link to the fan game on pirate bay" I would think Nintendo would find that action to be one of contempt and move forward with their lawsuit and use the statement as evidence against the person.

In the end I will note that being in a car accident doesn't make one an accident specialist. Defamation lawyers deal with hundreds of cases, and sometimes similar cases have different outcomes because we're dealing with a system of humans.

Every professional has a percentage of speculation. It's just their speculation is more accurate given their experiences. And also the study of hundreds of other experiences prior to theirs's. Everything is a practice. Minc law thinks Blondie Fox has a case. After viewing her video I think she does too. This may very well have to be settled in court, and if it is then I think there are going to be many furs using it as a battle ground of "Internet Justice" and the lines under which it can operate. Qutens raised funds, but there are probably a group of furs who will probably be providing funding the Blondie behind closed doors to fight back against this style of "Internet Justice" that they are critical of as well.

Who knows who will win. From this outsider looking in, it's probably a 50-50 at this point. Only party that I can assure has won are the lawyers, because they're about to profit on a conflict that has been growing in the fandom for years now. And this case may grow to be a more symbolic fight between ideals rather then just between a DHC and Qutens. I think people on both sides want to see where it leads in court.


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