After years of persistence you said. Was it against an individual with no actual assets? Did you ever actually get paid a penny? Did anyone even remember the original statements by the time the case was over? Neither party in this case likely has the resources for a drawn out legal battle even if that's what either wanted. Winning won't be much of a win if the general consensus is still that Lucky is a scumball. My prediction stands. This will never go before a judge or jury.
After years of persistence you said. Was it against an individual with no actual assets? Did you ever actually get paid a penny? Did anyone even remember the original statements by the time the case was over? Neither party in this case likely has the resources for a drawn out legal battle even if that's what either wanted. Winning won't be much of a win if the general consensus is still that Lucky is a scumball. My prediction stands. This will never go before a judge or jury.