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The problem is that Lucky and DHC by association loses big time if just one of those allegations is found to be credible regardless of the outcome if it goes to trial. Their reputation would be shot. At this point, it's already a loss for DHC. A lot of people aren't waiting for a trial and believe the allegations. The original post was actually fading off people's radar somewhat. Now it's front and center again as well as the whole attempting to silence Qutens which makes them DHC even more guilty in a lot of people's eyes. They can't win. Even if it goes to trial and they prevail, it won't help them. Qutens already needed crowdfunding to hire a lawyer. She has no assets. So they win, the worst case is an eventual bankruptcy, and many wouldn't care what the verdict was, they've already made up their minds. If it were purely a business decision for the good of DHC, the best bet would probably be for Lucky to leave the company (at least for a while). I don't see that happening. My bet is this settles out of court with the settlement under non-disclosure.


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