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I'd say something like "chill, guys, we'll find out soon enough", but, I mean, Penelope's presence is about the most interesting question about this movie for me to, so I guess carry on.

I'm betting she's a background player, is all. Hardly the character to sell the movie on, so not appearing in the advertising because she mainly appeals to us diehards like us who are going to the movie anyway, going to hate the movie anyway, or both.

It's Kotal Khan cameoing (I'm sorry, kameoing) in the background of the Mortal Kombat movie. Fans enjoyed it, but you don't advertise it. Of course, this movie is advertising its background cameos, but that's a bit different, as they aren't actually for diehard Looney Tunes fans.

Seeing as how she actually did get teased in uniform in early ads and we know she had dialogue (despite the fact she's a traditionally mute character) in an admittedly deleted scene, I mean, makes sense
she's still in the movie somewhere. And that's fine; the spirit of this article is partially noting that kind of character, and appreciating the Barnyard Dawgs and Beaky Buzzards as much as the DaffyvDucks and Bugs Bunnies.

And, I mean, it's not like Penelope's presence will actually make this a good movie.


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