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Hey, same anon as before. I actually have some proof that Penelope is part of the new team almost definitively. There's a brief scene in the trailer where the Tune Squad members are stacking their hands to show their team effort. We see Daffy's hand (which you know it's his because of his blue sleeve), Road Runner's foot, Elmer's hand (I think), Gossamer's hand, Foghorn's hand, Granny reaching out from the side, and a mysterious black hand with fur and claws. I basically used process of elimination to figure this out. There are four black characters on the team: Daffy, Sylvester, Marvin, and Penelope. It can't be Daffy since his arm was already shown, or Marvin since he doesn't have fur, claws, and wears gloves. It can't be Sylvester since he has white hands; therefore, it has to be Penelope.


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