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Okay, so update with new trailer:

Speedy Gonzalez is confirmed! He has not been "cancelled". He probably won't have a big part, but he wasn't very big (no pun intended) in the first one.

Speaking of cancelled, Elmer is seen with a shotgun and Yosemite Sam explicitly, like, the trailer goes out of its way to show, shoots guns. So, it feels like "okay, we cancelled Pepe, but guns are back; can we have your money now, people on the right and left?"

Bad news, didn't see Penelope or for that matter Marvin the Martian. Please tell me she didn't get deleted with Pepe. She did get namechecked in the scene that was deleted, so hopefully that wasn't it. Bugs is wearing Marvin's helmet for some reason at one point in the trailer. We have seen both characters in a Tune Squad uniform, and I really can't see a character as popular as Marvin the Martian being completely cut, but Penelope was shown so far back, I think the movie had a completely different director at that point, so 50/50. (Or she could be a bench cameo, and that's about it.)


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