All manner of stories - and yes, more comments, and even links. Some were probably bots mindlessly triggering a vote while indexing (poorly) or spamming (which is why most are identified and blocked), perhaps years ago.
We get a lot of spam, or attempts to spam. When checked, spammers sometimes use data center IP ranges. In other case specific IP addresses have a history of spam on other sites which raises the confidence high enough to ban individual IPs when we get spam from them, even though they may be in a residential range. Both may be used by anonynizing VPNs, Tor, etc
All manner of stories - and yes, more comments, and even links. Some were probably bots mindlessly triggering a vote while indexing (poorly) or spamming (which is why most are identified and blocked), perhaps years ago.
We get a lot of spam, or attempts to spam. When checked, spammers sometimes use data center IP ranges. In other case specific IP addresses have a history of spam on other sites which raises the confidence high enough to ban individual IPs when we get spam from them, even though they may be in a residential range. Both may be used by anonynizing VPNs, Tor, etc