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I don't know what a MAP is because I don't obsess over evils in this world I cannot stop, I can only inform people how to be aware of their existence. If evidence of criminality is obtained then it should be shared. Someone putting a symbol on is not evidence of criminality, just as someone putting their genders on their Twitter profiles doesn't mean they are trans*.

What I can say is that, should someone use that symbol, is that it has been seen as one tied with criminality and people will behave as if a crime has been committed or that you support those crimes, and thus would recommend to people using said symbols to consider not using it. As I have done with Fox Miller and their arm bands.

In a world where symbols get co-opted by evil all the time though, this can be a slippery slope. The American Flag was co-opted by Trumpists before they showed how they really felt about them on the capital on Jan 6th by dropping the flag to replace it with the name of the faux god upon the side of the building. This is why one must judge by the actions of people rather than the symbols they adorn themselves with. Or begin to see the symbols as evil in and of themselves because someone did evil with it, less they symbol be fully co-opted successfully.

There are people out there who believe any and all furries commit predatory behavior on animals, where in truth most furries are against it, and those that do typically become fursona non grata such as Kero the Wolf has. But with Kero there was evidence of the deplorable behavior and the cover up of it. That is at this time not the case with Paradox. Right now it's a Schrodinger's Cat scenerio and we have no evidence one way or the other. We have a symbol and that's about it.

That would be the same as rounding up all Trump supporters even if they were not at the Capitol. You may feel good about it, but it sets a bad precedent that one must commit criminal activity before they are put on trial for it, rather than having circumstantial evidence. It maybe scary that people aren't charged in this country as preventative actions before bad things happen, but the alternative is the state deciding who goes to jail preemptively.

And you can ask Alexia Navalny how that usually goes.


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