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I think Lisa Ling received more criticism about diversity for her furry "This is Life" episode, than Ash did for The Fandom. The biggest surprise that had come up was how the staff member of DenFur, which was Ash Coyote's local con, included someone who made an unfortunate Cosplay choice revolving around authoritarianism wardrobe which came out of the woodwork about a month after the documentary had published.

I think, despite the stresses this caused, Ash handled it okay and it's good to see she kept creating.

The story is a good one, and really gives one whose life is being shortened an excellent opportunity to not only to share their story, but have their goal be used as a lens under which the creation of a fursuit is documented. It could have been very easy to just record the suit creation process on any random suiter. It is the story of the urgent need and the wish and hope that it gets done on time that keeps the audience engaged, even if they are not interested in fursuit creation.

She continues to do impressive work, and I'm sure the internet will find some scab to pick as it always does. But it's good to know she will continue to pursue her passions and even win awards for them.


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