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I just hope their lives are valued if they're used in search-and-rescue operations. They're NOT little robots you can throw away, they're smart, empathic little critters who're putting their lives on the line.

Rescue dogs are treated well. I don't know why handlers would feel any different about these guys. (Assuming they use handlers that like rats. ;) ) Besides, you wouldn't want to treat them as disposable because they take time and money to implant electrodes in, and train. It's not like you can just let them breed and be done with it.

Hopefully this chip won't compel them to go against the natural signals of pain, fatigue or fear.

I doubt it least, no more than you could get any animal to go against those things by giving it orders. Remember, they only follow what the chip tells them to do because they've been trained to, it's not directly controlling their muscles. Besides, having them go against feelings of pain would be extremely counterproductive -- you don't want them to go into a situation that would cause them to be disabled.


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