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Newsbytes archive for November 2020

Edited by GreenReaper as of Sat 12 Dec 2020 - 12:52
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Contributors this month include 2cross2affliction, BlindWolf8, dronon, earthfurst, GreenReaper, Rakuen Growlithe, and Sonious.

GreenReaper: Koalas return to the trees in Kangaroo Island - though an estimated 80-90% [of the koalas] have perished.

GreenReaper: Rolling Stone cuts to the essential issue of this election cycle; what's with the Fivey Fox porn?
Sonious: Magazine that asked if Furry is going mainstream (Rolling Stone) prints article about people being thirsty for... Nate Silver's 538 fox mascot.

GreenReaper: Mutation may mean multi-million mink massacre.

GreenReaper: More on mink: Denmark is locking down North Jutland over the potentially vaccine-busting strain of Covid-19. A video shows tightly-packed fur farms in which the virus may have spread.

Rakuen Growlithe: Wolves are coming back to Colorado, US.

GreenReaper: We've added a new podcast to our sidebar: Bearly Furcasting, featuring Taebyn and Bearly Normal. Launched May 2, they've already posted 27 weekly episodes of furry culture discussion and interviews.

Sonious: Animorphs movie hits snags due to creative differences.

GreenReaper: Stamps celebrate British bear who turns 100 today - but the Followers of Rupert will have to wait to toast him, as England has entered a new national lockdown.

Sonious: CooperTom recreates the Four Seasons Landscaping area in VR Chat. This area gained infamy in the US 2020 Election when Rudy booked a press conference (challenging PA results) there instead of the Four Seasons hotel.

GreenReaper: New monkey species with spectacle-like markings identified from historical specimens - it's already critically endangered.

GreenReaper: Bear trouble? Send in the Monster Wolves. (Also works on wild boar.)

BlindWolf8: George H.W. Bush's former service dog Sully gets his own statue in honor of Veteran's Day.

dronon: Oh for Pete's sake. "Live action" Lilo & Stitch?

GreenReaper: Racing pigeon worth 666 times its weight in gold.

GreenReaper: Green-tinged kakapo (owl parrot) wins NZ popularity contest amid election controversy, claims of vote-rigging.

2cross2affliction: Disney isn't the only one in the remake business: Pizza Rat 2020. (Early rumors have the rail guy in contention for Best Supporting Actor.)

GreenReaper: How to protect the last known white giraffe? Stick a GPS tracker on it. (Sadly necessary after two family members died from poaching.)

dronon: Trailer for Tom & Jerry (2021).

earthfurst: Interview with @theCooperTom, published on The Stranger’s website, about adapting Four Seasons Total Landscaping into a creation on VRChat. FSTLandscaping got some infamy in November after a Trump-related press conference. (Interview by @MattBaume)

Sonious: Fursona Pins announces that a person who has been relieved of duty created fake Dogbomb fundraising pins.

GreenReaper: Cartoon Saloon, animators of The Secret of Kells, have a tale of furry transformation, Wolfwalkers - now with a more plot-heavy trailer. Already out in the UK, US and Canada, it'll be on Apple TV+ for those at home from December 11.

dronon: Platypuses are fluorescent.

dronon: Warning issued for moose lickers.

GreenReaper: How do you retrieve an elephant from a well? Upside-down, of course.

GreenReaper: With increasing Chinese competition, and a lack of appetite among the young, will history credit coronavirus as the slayer of Europe's fur farms - or has it merely hastened the global decline of a trade once worth billions?

GreenReaper: Midwestern squirrel learns what it's like to have one too many pears from the back of the fridge.

GreenReaper: After a lifetime of confinement, and years in chains without companionship, will the quest to #FreeKaavan have a happy ending? (There's now video giving a closer look at Kaavan and the crate being used to transport him - as well as his reaction to the covered vocals of Frank Sinatra.)

GreenReaper: is looking for a new female mascot design - human or anthro, as long as it's not got a TV for a head - and is offering tablet-based prizes from Apple, Wacom and Huion to the contest winner and two runners-up. (Artists may wish to read replies to @PiczelTV's post discussing the rights granted by entry; they may use all work commercially because you get two months' premium subscription even if not a "winner".)


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