Perri even went to publish their stuff on Ahmar's site instead of Flayrah because Flayrah was too unfriendly for Perri's racism and crazy. But over at the Furry Times, good old Ahmar said:
It has always been a policy of mine no matter who you are, and if you have something to say and I would say Perri Rhoades, (who did an excellent job). That you should be allowed to speak, that no one has the right to shut you down…period. Like some tried to do on Flayrah.
Have an opinion you want to express here, my contact information is in the above tab.
Perri even went to publish their stuff on Ahmar's site instead of Flayrah because Flayrah was too unfriendly for Perri's racism and crazy. But over at the Furry Times, good old Ahmar said: