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Yep, that's basically my point. And if this is Patch, it's pretty ironic that the guy who's lamented that he shouldn't have to field abuse from people with grudges for doing a lot of volunteer work writing fandom news/reviews, would be saying that stuff now. Like Sonious deserves to be called a white supremacist for this article's existence after he's spent the better part of this year recording and updating conventions affected by the pandemic and everything else. I know he's considering leaving over it, but I think there'd be a huge loss if he did.

But, shit, maybe that's the point. Maybe he wants to get people to leave Flayrah. Maybe just to spite GreenReaper, maybe because he thinks the writers will go to his site instead. I think more likely to happen is people just stop writing for anywhere, or diffuse out into random blogs/FA journals that few will read. DPP isn't exactly guest-writer friendly and of course has had its own issues with eroded goodwill. (I think both sides of people on the whole Sisk thing don't like him now)


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