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And would those individual have informed the artist had the project been kept in the dark? Mike was greedy and his greed hung himself. It certainly wasn't the intended consequence of the person who published it, or wrote it. But it is the outcome.

But given the following I think this was a positive outcome more than a negative:

1)Mike articles for video game reviews (starting in August), had people in a huff as well though. I figured it would give him something to focus on other than being a racist and maybe if he used his spare time for that he'd find it much more enjoyable then saying unfunny shit to unfunny people. It is important to note that, at that moment, I had the line drawn that as long as his items were not self promotional politically or financially then I would give a pass. I never made that line publicly known because it was never asked directly, and if one is ethical you shouldn't really need to explain to them what those lines are if they are intelligent as Mike says he is.

2)Given that it takes a while to put a project like the above together, I suspect that his video game articles were merely a dipping of the toe to see if he could ultimately use Flayrah to promote himself. This backfired spectacularly given my earlier position. And while people keeping tabs on this in the background is a big part, people were aware of Mike's reputation and affinity for a few years now.

2a) Given this toe dipping here I think he pushed more capital into his board game project in hopes of using Flayrah as a platform. If his articles had pushed and rejected at the time those first posts were made, he may have not expended capital into the project, thus giving him a false sense of security.

3)Mike's profile here says that he now has comments turned off and has verbiage that indicates he'd no longer be writing articles here and keeping it to his own site. Which makes my theory that this self promotion was his end goal the whole time seem accurate.

It may be foolish to give people a chance to get out of the hole they are in, but in the end, those who won't change will eventually use the power they are given to lash out. And like Goku to Frieza, 'those fools' will get shut down. Not by any excuse of political forces, but by their own hand.

Thanks for keeping tabs on things, have a good day.


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