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I had no issues when they were writing to promote other games from other creators, see here:

My issue comes from the promotion of their content without disclaimer. That part has been resolved.

I believe it is the job of the press not to limit what people want to buy, however, they should be aware who those dollars are going to. Just as if you buy a Pepper Coyote record you're probably going to see some of the dollars trickle to a Bernie-like campaign. If you put your dollars here, you dollars are going to probably trickle toward a Trump-like campaign (or whatever the Spain equivalent of a Trump is). Or if you donate to Trump's "legal challenge" of the elections, most of your money will actually go toward past campaign debts incurred.

To ignore that is to hide the whole truth. Would you be for the news not publishing that Chick Fil'A had made donations to organizations against the interest of those who are gay, thus would influence their patronage? Or leave them in the dark because the media should be promoting business with no other consideration?

Guess we have to hope that people read down to the comments before they click the link in the article to realize the content of the character their cash is going toward, and feel betrayed for not being forewarned.


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