Don't give money to the racist who posted last week:
"Self Governance? Imagine THAT! What IF the majority of the people started governing themselves and stopped using public benefits?
The majority of people would be wiped out and only the strong and smart would survive. As it should be
Short-term loss for a long-term forever gain
"UUUUH the government allowed heroin and now I'm a drug addict and Imma die"
Darwinism can't happen with government handouts
The parents who make that possible should remove their genetical heritage from society
I'm an Aryan Breeds Supremacist"
Now wait for the excuses to come.
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Don't give money to the racist who posted last week:
"Self Governance? Imagine THAT! What IF the majority of the people started governing themselves and stopped using public benefits?
The majority of people would be wiped out and only the strong and smart would survive. As it should be
Short-term loss for a long-term forever gain
"UUUUH the government allowed heroin and now I'm a drug addict and Imma die"
Darwinism can't happen with government handouts
The parents who make that possible should remove their genetical heritage from society
I'm an Aryan Breeds Supremacist"
Now wait for the excuses to come.