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A lot of documentaries on the furry fandom sidestep Mark and Rod's efforts to make the furry fandom inclusive, supportive and welcoming to everyone. I'm glad to see one that finally gives them the chance to tell the story the way it should be told. Although I've been a furry since the late 90s, it wasn't until I met Mark in 2004 that I really understood where the fandom came from and what it means to be a part of it. Mark is one of the few truly good people in the world, always kind and caring and a great story teller with an imagination that is beyond belief. Roleplaying with his character Sy along with Selenia, Firepaws and several other skiltaire helped me through a difficult period in my life where there were times there wasn't much else to brighten my day. Although we've grown apart, I will always be grateful to all of them for being caring, patient and supportive when I was struggling to make it.


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