This documentary by Ash Coyote is an example of what is explained within itself, "sex sells", but more accurately, "controversy sells". Market rewards it. We saw a different take with 'Furries' (2016) by Eric Risher, with 1/5 of Ash' budget, almost devoid of controversy to a fault. Being a competently made 30-minute documentary, it felt longer, and it could be considered boring for how tame it is.
In regards to the CSI episode I take the same approach Morgan Freeman takes with racism. You wanna end racism? Stop talking about it. You wanna make the CSI episode irrelevant? Stop mentioning it.
But of course, without the drama there is no emotional connection, less involvement, so the CSI episode will continue to be mentioned long after people remember what CSI even is, and Burned furs will be mentioned even if they did almost nothing, and Foxler will forever be narrated as a fascist menace even if he's just being retarded in a stupid-looking costume.
This documentary by Ash Coyote is an example of what is explained within itself, "sex sells", but more accurately, "controversy sells". Market rewards it. We saw a different take with 'Furries' (2016) by Eric Risher, with 1/5 of Ash' budget, almost devoid of controversy to a fault. Being a competently made 30-minute documentary, it felt longer, and it could be considered boring for how tame it is.
In regards to the CSI episode I take the same approach Morgan Freeman takes with racism. You wanna end racism? Stop talking about it. You wanna make the CSI episode irrelevant? Stop mentioning it.
But of course, without the drama there is no emotional connection, less involvement, so the CSI episode will continue to be mentioned long after people remember what CSI even is, and Burned furs will be mentioned even if they did almost nothing, and Foxler will forever be narrated as a fascist menace even if he's just being retarded in a stupid-looking costume.