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The EF staff did exactly what the majority of attendees were asking for, which was for the con to stop having a political stance. They stopped actively giving out 'anti-nazi' badges or referencing the conbook's political speech unless pressed. A public retraction, an apology, further discussions or references to the subject matter, would be beating a dead horse. Attendees don't need a chairman using the convention as a platform for "LGBTQIA+", nor anti-"LGBTQIA+", nor Christian evangelism, nor endorsements/disavowals of the state of Israel. It's a cartoon animals gathering. Carry it out and let people be whatever they wanna be in civility.

I realize the author of this documentary is MtF, probably surrounded by people whose diversity is more about skin color / gender choice than profoundly diverging life perspectives. It's fine, it's a fine job. It's clearly her work. As long as you see the obvious color of her tinted glasses it's okay. Could be worse. Length-wise is perfect, not too long, not too short.


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