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Other countries do have their own issues to contend with. Anti-immigrant and race issues occur in basically any country if that country has borders to enter, people can enter them. Given that there will be people who look upon those people with suspicion or 'as outsiders'.

The U.S. didn't create that. Such issues are in ancient texts on the regular. Including one famous example of the using the word Shibboleth as a form of dialect detection.

Also, you kind of can't 'remove' a statement from a printed con book after its been printed. You can retract with a future statement. I'm aware of no such retraction that was made by the Eurofurence staff in question so if you can provide a link to it that would be useful. To "remove everything" would require them to go and rip out a page from each printed book.

When it comes to documentaries you have to look at them for what they are instead of what they are not. The document will only have finite space and time to cover their aspects. We have tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people in this fandom, an hour thirty minutes will only get you so far.

That's why furs from other countries, if they wish, should share their stories by producing their own works. Because they'll probably be better able to tell their stories than having some Yankee come in to do it for them.


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