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I agree with your POV, I would say we european furries are mostly dumbfounded by the amount of ideological apologetics that come our way from the west to a fandom that has nothing to do with any of this. We're a bunch of nerds who love cartoon animals and have fun. Gender issues, political issues, don't have a direct bearing on the fandom.

I too was appalled when Cheetah made political statements in the convention's material in 2018. Luckily he did nothing of that sort the following year.

It's fine if some furries feel queer about their furry passion. A documentary can explore this and any number of things in an informative fashion. The documentary goes beyond a reliable portrayal of interviewees though, by coloring everything with a US liberal mindset repeatedly.

Joe Strike's book Furry Nation did a great job of portraying particular views without preaching to the choir.


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