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As a person who lives outside the USA and have been in the furry fandom since the early 90s i would say that this documentary is more or less about furries and the furry fandom in the USA. The start is ok but the part about the modern day fandom an its problems,extremism,etc. That only seems to be an issue in america, as the fandom in the rest of the world does not have such issues.

The only time i noticed anything resembling that was few years ago at eurofurence when cheetah had a speech in the conbook and gave out the "nazi furs fuck off" stickers in the con book, which backfired completely as he instantly got a big backlash from most of the attendees for that and quickly removed everything.

As for the sexual part, the fandom has always been extremely sexual, even though most try to deny and hide it, especially when dealing with "outsiders" which most of the time makes the situation even worse.


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