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Okay, so, the situation is more dire than _I_ thought!

I arrived decked out and geared up to build a very big cage; 1 whole acre. Instead, I spent the day constructing perimeter fencing around the pens. This is because some twink in the county decided that the firemen who delivered our water were in grave danger from the "dangerous animals" and stripped us of our only source of water. We are making numerous trips in trucks now to collect enough water for the wolves. Funny, it hasn't been a problem or danger for the past 5 years.

I've got a plan for a well system that will pump 800+ gallons of water on 1 gallon of gas (Thanks for the help, Jacques!) but it still needs a well dug. That's 4K. *sigh* We may be converting an old pickup into a tanker instead, even though water weighs 8.34 lbs per gallon. I imagine 100 gallon tanks will be max.

But we got some fences and postholes dug. I'm very sore, tired, and PO'd at weasly county commisioners who have to throw their weight around to prove to the world that they still have a pair. But Anasazi, who was vicious to me just a week ago, nuzzled me very sweetly today. Little things do keep the spirit alive.

Reality is not only stranger than we think, it's stranger than we CAN think!


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