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The "Down the Rabbit Hole" doc (that won an Ursa Major) was pretty good (though I think in hindsight it spent way too much time on the Burned Furs in general and Squee Rat's "manifestos" in particular); a lot of previous fandom insider docs (including, I believe, this director's YouTube offerings) have been taken to task for focusing on fursuiting to the near absolute exclusion of anything else, and then this non-furry came along and actually featured a lot of furry art in his talk about furries. Like, it wasn't even hard. I think it winning an Ursa Major should have been a bit of an eye-opener to future fandom documentarians.

Going the other way, does anybody remember that Brony documentary with John de Lancie? No? Exactly. Turns out nobody outside the MLP:FiM fandom wanted a feature length advertorial about how great the MLP:FiM fandom was.

"For no one who wholeheartedly shares in a given sensibility can analyze it; he can only, whatever his intention, exhibit it. To name a sensibility, to draw its contours and to recount its history, requires a deep sympathy modified by revulsion."
-Susan Sontag, "Notes on Camp"


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