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Y'all are deflecting, and ignoring the most troubling implication of this poll. FORTY PERCENT are saying they have decided to stop attending conventions – the sustaining life blood of the fandom – and they have placed conditions on their return which may never be met. That's a staggering nosedive in RL fandom participation. And just how do you propose to get those fearful furs back? Create social distanced cons where people have to stay 6 feet apart, can't hug their friends or suiters, can't meet up in groups for pictures, table games, panels, room parties, dances? What would be left for us to DO at a con like that? Stand around all day in 6-foot circles on the floor staring at other people standing in their own 6-foot circle? Yeah. That really sounds like a shit-ton of fun worth spending a couple thousand on, for sure.

The point is, social distancing is inimical to the whole concept of a furry convention, which is to bring people TOGETHER. Create cons that do the opposite, and I guarantee you, no one who attends one where they're required to stay physically separated from their friends is ever going to want to attend another like it.

This is a big elephant in the room that people seem to be trying their best to ignore, but it's not going away anytime soon. Maybe not ever.


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