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Improving our system of justice and curtailing the abuses of our executive branch organizations that enforce the laws through meaningful and actual reform is essential to all Americans.

Black Americans make up 12.6% of the population but are victims of 32.4% of Law Intervention Homicides, and are a majority percentage of these deaths.

When people of all races say that Black Lives Matter, it is in effect a demand to bring down the number of these homicides in general. This situation has highlighted that the abuses of those in authority in general can create injustices with no body count. False escalation, evidence planting, kettling, and the worst case with the President pressing through LaFayette Square and pressing through protesters with gas and excessive force to hold a Bible upside down in front of a church (effectively claiming his First Amendment Rights as President outweigh those of American Citizens).

These situations have shown that if we continue to ignore it when corruption happens with black lives, this corruption will grow and impact more people from all walks of life. Even those that claim to feel safe now.

A system of accountability must be implemented by those in political office, for this systemic failure of leadership is what leads to confrontations. But the leaders will blame the police they put on the front lines with the weapons and training they gave them while walking with the protesters, or will call the protesters thugs for damaging property while hiding in their offices behind the officers, unwilling to engage with the grievances being brought up.

The buck needs to stop with the politicians who are supposed to keep law and order through their own actions and words, they have passed the blame for too long and need to be brought into the spotlight as well.

Black Lives are Beautiful, and I am glad their are a part of this fandom. Thank you for sharing your stories, let us continue to make progress and support one another in the roles that we can.


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