I haven't listened to 2's material in years, but in his early days I would have pegged him as a social satirist who was really trying to channel his internal Denis Leary. Social satire and critique is one possible use of comedy - I wouldn't say it's its job - but it's well-suited to the task. (George Carlin has drifted increasingly into that style as time has gone on.) A better wording from 2 might have been "I view my job as a comedian is to bring forth [etc.]".
I haven't listened to 2's material in years, but in his early days I would have pegged him as a social satirist who was really trying to channel his internal Denis Leary. Social satire and critique is one possible use of comedy - I wouldn't say it's its job - but it's well-suited to the task. (George Carlin has drifted increasingly into that style as time has gone on.) A better wording from 2 might have been "I view my job as a comedian is to bring forth [etc.]".