Why is fish stick so high on the board, he should be number one because he is the hottest fortnite character. No one likes furries we like fishies. I have a body pillow of fish stick and some nights he hangs out with me; He even has holes all over him and sometimes he likes to be rough. The fox skin is retarted, yes I used the R word, and im about to use the N word to finish this rant off, yall furries are a bunch of Noggers.
Why is fish stick so high on the board, he should be number one because he is the hottest fortnite character. No one likes furries we like fishies. I have a body pillow of fish stick and some nights he hangs out with me; He even has holes all over him and sometimes he likes to be rough. The fox skin is retarted, yes I used the R word, and im about to use the N word to finish this rant off, yall furries are a bunch of Noggers.