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Okay, so, new Chapter of Fortnite, and we've got a couple updates (comment udpdates; not gonna re-rank and re-list everything, 'cause, like, who cares? Also, I purposely put a cutoff date in the article for a reason.) to the list of "furry skins in Fortnite.

- Okay, first, a skin that was released after this article but still last season; Vix, who is not, unfortunately, the female counterpart to Fennix, but is instead ... like, Lynx 2.0. So would not rank high.

-Next, a skin that should have been on this list (I just missed it), but is so lame really who cares, King Flamingo. I mean, not a lot of options for bird fans, but this is still a no from me.

-Now for the actual Battle Pass skin that's furry, Kit, basically Meowscles Jr. in that's it's a regular cat-sized version of Meowscles except riding a motorcycle that is riding a robot. I like this one, actually.

-Okay, there also seems to be a new version of the Team Leader outfits (Metal Team Leader) that will pop up in the item shop sometime soon; it's a robot version, so I like it (but not a robot like the Mecha Team Leader) and pets finally made a return to the Battle Pass - kinda. Ohm is both a glider and a backbling, and is a mechanical owl ala Clash of the Titans's Bubo.


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