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Okay, I'm going to chime in as an expert, for real.

Not as an epidemiologist, or whatever, but as a person who has worked in the food service industry. Okay, the most commonly accepted theory for "wah happun?" in the case of our current pandemic is that a pathogen was passed along to humans due to lax and/or negligent food safety regulation; this happens all the time. It's called fucking food poisoning; and, okay, usually the virus or bacteria or whatever doesn't, you know, go worldwide, but that's because most of the time you're dealing with salmonella or E. coli or some shit that is already worldwide because they come from animals that are routinely used in food preparation all over the world and we know how to deal with this shit (both biologically and medicinally).

The consensus is that more "exotic" meat was used in the Chinese markets the virus in all likelihood originated from; one of the reasons we all eat the same basic set of cows and pigs and chickens and turkeys and sheeps across the globe is because we know what pathogens they might contain, and we have evolved immunity to most of them and know how to treat or prevent contact with the rest. HIV/AIDS is the exact same case; the pathogen was passed along to humanity due to eating apes, known as "bush meat". In both cases, economic hardship and political unrest caused a local population to resort to using non-traditional sources of meat to feed themselves without proper preparation, and a mutated virus was able to take advantage of this and cross the species barrier.

There is a reason you can't actually get wild venison at your local store; you might be able to get venison, but it's as farmed as the beef steak, because to legally sale meat in America, it has to go through Critical Control Points during the butchering of the animals to make sure the meat will not kill people who eat it. And, yes, hunters do eat venison that they've hunted and butchered without trained government inspectors; and some of them have died because of this. Look up "chronic wasting disease".

Jesus Christ, "foreigners eating weird stuff" is a old school racist trope; you don't even need the conspiracy theory to be your same old racist self!


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