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I had put in a question directly with the Holland convention since they had no social media to utilize. Obviously their site was updated and we had updated, but they had gotten back to me with the following statement:

Hello Tantroo,


The Dutch government announced on March 23rd that all events in the Netherlands until June 1st are not allowed to take place.
With this information we have looked at the options and decided the best course of action is to cancel Furry Weekend Holland for 2020.

All attendees have been informed about this and have been given several options, including but not limited to a full refund or registration rollover for 2021, regarding their registration.
We're currently working hard on making sure we wrap up everything regarding FWH 2020 neatly so we can start focusing our attention on 2021.

I see on your website that the status for FWH is already updated. I hope you can understand us taking the time to first inform our attendees before we inform the media.

With regards,
Furry Weekend Holland Tech & Operations


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