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Thanks to Thabo Meerkat for sharing the transcript and links for me to use on this article. If it is well received my hope is to do more of these kind of transcribing of informational YouTube videos in the fandom.

This helps keep information archived in a text format which helps both for accessibility for those with hearing impairment, and also for an easier time pulling back information from prior months.

Others that I think would be useful to transcribe would be things like Pocari's "Bottle" series for fursuiters. It is also a good opportunity for those that like to write but don't know if they have any informative topics they can contribute. Just approach a video content creator and see if they are willing to have an transcribed copy here.

If you are a video content creator, and you have a script/transcription written for a news/informative video feel free to "Create Story" and drop the script in with an embedding of your posted video. This would make things far easier. Things will be cleaned up on our end.


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