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As far as political cartoons goes, it sort of shapes the worker as an aggressor. Usually if something is 'bloated' and taking up too much space, that would be the boss. Usually feasting and gorging. So it does kind of come off as odd to me to have the creature representing the worker being the over-burdensome character.

I mean, "boss" could spin this cartoon to say that while trying to make the organization revenue, it is the over-bloated unions that are preventing the acquiring of revenue that can sustain their particular workforce.

If I were to make a cartoon like this. The boss in the top hat would be the bloated on, with the smaller character, representing the worker, holding a pin and pushing it into the inflated mogul.

Obviously the squash the boss slogan wouldn't work. And it is a fun slogan.

Except for the boss, unless he likes getting squashed.


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