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I apologize if I assumed wrong here: You seem to act like the many elements from the furry fandom is just Disney property, or other commercial property by claiming that some things are "stolen" from them in the fandom while somewhat ignorant of the likely fact that Disney and specific mascot commercials do the same (have you seen those "That's not right." commercials, or that really sexy cow commercial that aired around 3 years ago?). So I bring out Copyright law because it's like the only thing people use to treat some creative information like property.
Intellectual Property was a rotten idea that inspired people to think that information can on itself be property when it's unrealistic to think so. The whole "stealing" thing, and the myth of companies being different than the furry fandom has likely some influenced effect from Intellectual Property (usually in a lot of cases, Copyright) idea and it's laws.

I already assume that you don't have any problem with the rip-off thing, but you were still acting as if companies and Disney were magically different and as if there was some hidden law suggesting that typical furry cannot make their own capitalism thing, even though it already kinda happened.


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