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"Okay, first of all, your sexual plan ... that should work keeping it non-mainstream."
OF FUCK NO. I ain't keeping my sexual fantasy a non-stream. If a bunch of normies get to sprout theirs almost everywhere, then a bunch of furries get to as well as long as it's not breaking any laws. It's not really healthy to force many of such furries to hide themselves, and it's degenerating to force that as it doesn't respect basic "human" rights.

"There's a furry self-aggrandizing myth that we're a very creative fandom"
I have a bit of thought here on the whole original thing.
Is it based off existing property? Maybe. But is that any different than how most of culture gets created? No. Public Domain for example is what creates most of culture, and "Intellectual Property" doesn't change that creativity is based off existing things.

There is a myth that claims that originality is about making ideas and things out of thin-air, as if that can be a separate thing than how culture really works most of the time. In reality though, it doesn't exist. Making a cartoon character with your own designs is 100% no different than making 'weird' modern art, or making a character made out of plastic straws. Frankly, I just don't agree that 'trying' to be weird and unknown as possible in order to be "most" creative really equals to being better or "more invention" since after all, invention comes from past inventions anyway.

So is making a typical fursona a "rip-off" of Disney characters? If so, then so is every good art out there. By the way, I DON'T THINK YOU CAN COPYRIGHT AN ART STYLE.
I don't want to make a character stand out if I were to make a commercial. That's like saying I can't make anime to do that.


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