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Thanks for sharing your perspectives on this, and good luck in your educational endeavors for your doctorate.

As far as having more stories from different societal foundations, I do believe that would be a good thing to have. The problem is, as some of the prior commenters have noted but may not have been the best worded is that the best people to offer those perspectives are those people themselves. For instance if you wanted a story from a more Native perspective, then it should come from a furry who is part of that culture.

One can write from an outsider perspective, of course, I could write a story about victims of colonization, but I am not one. So without referencing or working with those in those communities, the writing more than likely be flawed.

The best thing that you can do, in this case, is to give those whose stories have been hidden the opportunity to share it in a more direct manor. If they cannot write, then transcribe their words and give them credit for that oration.

It would require effort, but I think for better or for worse we live in a world where people can write their perspective. Obviously some of those perspectives make some uncomfortable about past sins, and that guilt may cause them to act with hostility when presented with that. But one would not need to act with such anger if one were to realize that, while the world moves forward, you just try to make the world better for others as best as you can, then it's a better use of that emotion.

People can generally discern the difference of those that work hard to make things better for as many people of different backgrounds as possible, versus those that try to push away due to wanting to protect themselves from their own pasts at best, and for their hatred and biases toward those groups at worst.

I have a suspicion that the former sometimes leads to the later.


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