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Since I made myself the world's first furry with an anthropomorphic Mandela effect for a fursona, I just thought of the world's only "furry Mandela effect"; so, who here remembers The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride getting a theatrical release? For the record, it didn't, it was straight to video, and I never remembered actually watching it in theaters; however, I thought I remembered it being advertised as an actual theatrical release. To be clear, I was just wrong; I'm not a believer in Mandela effects, if the tone of the Mandela effect article was clue enough.

However, I don't think I'm the only one; I remember a strip from Badly Drawn Kitties where the two main characters do watch The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride in a theater. However, I'm too lazy to crawl through that strip's archives (and there's a universe that has had it's history rewritten multiple times), so I might be mis-remembering that, too (it's quite possible they were on a couch or something; I do remember the strip in question featured a flashback to them watching the original Lion King, and I may be conflating the flashback with the present day panels in my memory).

Anyway, the Mandela effect thing is the sort of thing that fascinates me, even if I'm not a believer, so I'm curious if anyone else shares my delusion, or if I'm really just that delusional.


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