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"The problem is that you ALWAYS do it with EVERYONE to the point where anytime someone says ANYTHING about it, they're expecting you to come crashing in, screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!!!!!!!! OH YEAH??? WELL, THAT OTHER THING THAT YOU LIKE IS STUPID TOO!!!!!"

Except that it doesn't happen like that.
I mainly calmly disagree back, and sometimes I do it a lot. There is no "whining and screaming" and there is no "YOU CAN'T SAY THAT" or anything that means that. You're just bitchy because you feel annoyed whenever someone like me still disagrees to this very day.
And I wouldn't be surprised to see hypocrisy here.
If someone who kept saying that Alpha and Omega sucked all the way to this very day, you would probably not bitch and whine at that person, but the moment I say anything back, you do.

And you want to know the really funny thing?
You are "screaming" and "whining" in your comments toward me.

And by the way, I just use "butthurt" as a description. I don't think I was using it as any proof.


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