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Why do you hate criticism? And why do you think it's alright to make up complete bulls*** toward other people?

I am not "kicking and screaming" over "ANYONE" saying "ANYTHING the SLIGHTEST BIT NEGATIVE about Alpha & Omega".
My complaint, was toward this:
"Where's DiamondMan to remind us fools that Alpha & Omega is cinema's greatest achievement and we're not fit to polish its sprocket holes?"
Which was likely a reaction to me merely debating about the quality of the movie.

Maybe crappy attitude like yours while I'm assuming you wrote that, is maybe why I'm "kicking" and "screaming" because I fucking hate people like you intentionally trying to piss me off because you're all too butthurt by someone questioning poor attempts at criticizing Alpha and Omega movie.
And BY THE WAY, that attitude isn't the same as saying "I think this movie isn't good.".

And also, the way I reacted to dronon was not bitchy whining. It was *AHEM*, a calm, disagreement and if you can't stand that, then you basically can't stand it whenever someone can disagree back with someone making negative claims toward that movie.
If people argue crap toward Alpha and Omega, then I can disagree back as well. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.


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