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Honestly, why should I bother trying to upvote my own comment?
I mean, I kinda wanted to upset those rabid Zootopia fans who think their precious Zootopia movie is logically superior in every way (including art design, and story design) partly to expose that my attitude (despite it being a bit dishonest) toward it is not much different than the attitude some people have toward some anthropomorphic wolf movie. I guess I also wanted to expose the likely hypocrisy on the trolling.
So when a bunch of butthurt people sees my likely trolling, they whine, 1-star bomb it, and to hide it.
This likely exposes the hypocrisy, and quite honestly, I might actually be getting what I want with it..

Not that this matters, I don't even think Alpha and Omega is that good as a movie, and I even think that for mere entertainment, there really are "better" (subjective still) movies than that. Monster House for example. But one thing is true, it's alright to dislike Alpha and Omega, but my god, don't be a egoistic piece of shit about it.


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