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I've tweeted about this, but a guy from bo-news (a spin-off of the old "atrocity tourism" site Portal of Evil) also appeared on Jeopardy this season; he was one of the many steam-rolled by Holzhoer, though late enough that he basically tried to fight back only to wind up deep in negative numbers when the "high risk" strategy got, you know, risky. He also announced he would be on Jeopardy by posting "unless Alex Trebek dies in the next month, I'm going to be on Jeopardy" literally a month to the day of Trebek's cancer announcement, which was probably just really, really unfortunate timing/wording. Probably.

But, let the record state:

Furry goes on Jeopardy: Tournament of Champions

Former anti-furry goes on Jeopardy: Alex Trebek gets cancer


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