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Quite an interesting article. But, I wonder how soon before someone adresses the subcultures that the fandom has created. For example, I'd LOVE to see an article on how many ex-furs were driven away by the 'pink nazis'. Or, an article on how many furs under the age of 30 who are treated like kindergardeners by older furs, even if the younger ones have been in the fandom much longer. Or, for a change, we could do a report on how many writers and/or roleplayers sink to depression and attempt suicide because they can't draw, so the fandom treats them like sh1t.
As long as we're on the subject, I think an article on the mistreatment of females in the fandom is LONG overdue. Not only do they recieve undo harassment and suck from our 'favorite' clique of all (The aforementioned 'pink nazis'), but the straight males havea tendancy to abuse them as well. Ugh, and people wonder why furry relationships don't work.
There is ONE article, though, that would be pointless. STDs & the furry fandom. While most furs are, how we say, inexperienced IRL, the very fact that 90% of us have had safe sex procedures (And the concequences of -not- following safe sex...) drilled into our heads since grade school ensures that those who are SMART will remain safe. Note that I said smart here... If someone has unprotected sex & contracts an STD (Yes, pregnancy can be thought of as an STD. Go take care of a kid sometime... Greatest incentive for birth control the world has.), then it's all on them.
Still, since I'm on the subject, I would like to adress one fact: Furries have sex at conventions. So, will someone explain to me why, in such a sexually charged enviroment, our conventions will not offer free protection? The very least a convention could do is set up a table where a member of a 'Stop AIDS' orginization or something similar could give out free condoms & such. Heck, for the ultimate cop out, just fill a punch bowl with different types of condoms & such, then let furs get what they need. Personally, I think that an ounce of pervention is worth it down the road. And furs, if your partner doesn't want to use protection, do you REALLY want to take the risk? Until you see PROOF, don't do it!
Hmm, I seem to have jumped to a reply about an article to advocating safe sex. Let's see... One thing I didn't like about the article was it didn't touch on how vicious and cruel some furs can be. Shunned and ridiculed most of thier life, when they finally join the fandom some furs will take out said pent-up anger and frustration in cliquish battles of 'I'm more popular than you!' games. The sad thing is that these childish antics will, in the end, destroy the very fandom we love. Ah, but I should end here for now...

F*ck the majority, I'm the EXTREME minority!


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