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You are both quite correct and I did my best to also go to local furry gatherings and get information at other locations than cons. However, my personal cash supply (and the fact that this was merely a labor of love) kinda precluded that. What I tried to do was ask questions that would be fairly unique apart from whether or not a person would go to a convention. Therefore, questions regarding marriage and occupation may be thrown into question, but things such as overall make up (male-to-female ratios and the like) would be reletively un-effected.

Last fall, I did a panel on Furry Sociology at Midwest FurFest. I hope I can do more research in the future and help overcome the points that you helped raise. As I imply in the introduction to my survey, I'm aware of some of the failings of it and can only hope to have the money and time to conduct a more thorough assessment in the future... :)


David J Rust


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