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I'm glad people enjoyed my research and presentation. I *do* want to get a wider sample and be able to define terms such as "member of the subculture" and "furry fan" ... at least from a sociological viewpoint.

You are correct in that some of the participants were volunteers ... those who took the survey over the 'net, for example. All the others, I sought out at conventions and furry gatherings that I could actually reach. Ideally, what I'd like to do, is travel around Canada, the United States and Europe, attending both conventions, gatherings and setting up in-person interviews with portions of the online community to gain a better cross-section of the fandom. Sadly, this would cost a lot of money.

Nonetheless, I'm in the middle of developing another study for use when I have money and ability to move around more freely and conduct more research.


David J Rust


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