The EF Closing is held relatively early Saturday evening. At that time, the con is still in full swing: Pawpetshow is impending, Art Show Sales are going on in parallel, Dealers' Den is still open, and various smaller events are happening.
For that reason, the full tally of donations is not yet available. E.g. Art Show contributes the artists' percentages (not to be confused with direct auction sales by Charity); this number is calculated only on Sunday and is not presented in the Closing.
Other sums are not fully added like small change count, because the EF crew is still busy running the convention.
And indeed, there are donations coming in Saturday evening and even Sunday that drive the totals up. So, traditionally there is a good difference between the announced sum (which covers, for understandable reasons, only the "safe" parts of the Charity) and the official end sum, possibly more than for other conventions.
Before anyone'll start speculating:
The EF Closing is held relatively early Saturday evening. At that time, the con is still in full swing: Pawpetshow is impending, Art Show Sales are going on in parallel, Dealers' Den is still open, and various smaller events are happening.
For that reason, the full tally of donations is not yet available. E.g. Art Show contributes the artists' percentages (not to be confused with direct auction sales by Charity); this number is calculated only on Sunday and is not presented in the Closing.
Other sums are not fully added like small change count, because the EF crew is still busy running the convention.
And indeed, there are donations coming in Saturday evening and even Sunday that drive the totals up. So, traditionally there is a good difference between the announced sum (which covers, for understandable reasons, only the "safe" parts of the Charity) and the official end sum, possibly more than for other conventions.
-- Cairyn --
(EF Art Show Manager)