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So I've not seen the play but have wanted to. Seen clips of it so was really confused on the hate on the trailer. When I watched the trailer just now my response was "ugh" immediately and I think I know why the hate train is happening.

When it's spandex and costuming I know what I'm looking at. But the CGI fur makes my brain go as it does in other movies "Bad cgi alien" which is really distracting.

Add to that, it going looking at pictures of the Broadway production in comparison, the Hollywood one is "Here's a human, we just covered them in fur." kind of a CGI trap. Broadway knew what they're doing is wonky as hell, so had to go with little tricks, like the ears look weird just glued to the head so most have these massive manes to hide the architecture making the cats look furrier (not fandom wise, more in fluff terms) than the movie production, and black makeup under the nose and shading around to create an illusion of a muzzle. Yes, they still looked like people in cat costumes but with those tricks and all the extra floof it pushes at least me out of the uncanny valley that the Hollywood one is sitting dead in the middle of.

That is completely my two cents, I was agreeing with you "That's how it is in the play" until I saw the trailer then I figure that's what's happening. I won't know for sure until I see the movie but I kind of find myself agreeing with the jokes now.


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