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So basically let's put this straight-

Furries are butthurt because the cold, calculating real world says no to their disgusting kinks and payment processors don't want to be involved when cash is exchanged for rendering of such services. I am honestly not surprised. What did furries expect? A lot of what furries do is illegal, and very highly so, in most worldwide jurisdictions. But yet, it seems, while most *normal* people will go about their lives keeping their shit between four walls, somehow being a furry changes all that. Why?

And then when corporate says no to using their facilities to pay/exchange money for such contraband, they are seen as the evil behemoths. Look I don't like corporate for a very different reason (my reason is that they are ripping everyone off and exploit people who are in the low income bands) but still, they provide SOME value.

Even when weighed up against evolution, or its counter, de-evolution (whether you like Devo's music or not, they do have a bit of a point and something valid to say about this) I still don't see how there can be this outright desire to make disgusting and illegal sexual practices mainstream.

This is probably why some psychology textbooks describe furry as a sexual kink, because the more I look at it, the more it is indeed so. And this is probably why I will never belong in this fandom. In conjunction with the fact that my sexual orientation is a problem, the fact that I do not need to project my carnal desires as some animal, means I am unwelcome. And I can live with that :)


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