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I completely get what you are saying.
Also, a niggling point is why does the porn have to be in the public space? Isn't that sort of thing supposed to be, uh, private?

Oh wait... Furries and their ever-present quest for validation (not you Crossie, because of all the furries I've met it appears you have had your head screwed on correctly and speak from a place of what seems to be a lot of experience).

The thing I don't get is that in the world of comics, especially in Japan, there's a whole world of smut, and yet those things seem to not be forced down people's throats. While we can definitely say "But Sonikku, those doujinshi you'll only find at a Comiket in Akihabara" it still makes me wonder, why.

In terms of corproations having an interest, you need to use it to your advantage. Get them to pay for a con, get them to pay for your expenses. This is a subculture, a hobby, FFS, they cannot own something like that. Its intangible.


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