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It's hard to care about the opinions of "Everyone else here" when instead of voicing those opinions they abuse the ratings system. "Oh look, my innocuous, uncontroversial comment got like 5 one-stars, just like I figured". And it didn't start happening until I got tired of you and your obnoxious personality, or to be more precise, when I got tired enough of it to tell you I was blocking you to stop fucking replying to me because I don't care what you have to say anymore. Funny, all things considered my average wasn't too bad before that. So yes I think you're probably butthurt and lashing out, because damn near every comment you've made since I started using the site in earnest has been you being butthurt and lashing out for one flimsy reason or another.

There's been some really rotten people on here, but they comment sporadically, or they say their piece and move the fuck on. Or they're among those abusing the ratings system because I'm one of the ones who called them on their bullshit in which case, I reiterate, not much reason to respect their vote.

I may not know you personally, but I know your type, and just because GreenReaper gave you an ultimatum to stop editing ED doesn't mean you shed the ethos behind online cultures like that, which is more or less "my personal amusement first, logic and reason a distant second and mainly troll-logic at that, and compromise? not in my vocab." Basically I have a hard enough time believing a leopard can change it spots and, uh, I think hell would freeze over before a zebra could change its stripes.


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